Title: 천번의 입맞춤 / Chunbuneui Ibmatchoom / A Thousand Kisses
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2011-Aug-20 to 2011-Feb-05
Air time: Saturday and Sunday 20:40
Production Credits
Director: Yoon Jae Moon
Screenwriter: Park Jung Ran
A Thousand Kisses is a drama about a woman who divorces (Seo Young-hee of Bedevilled) and faces all kinds of hardships on her way to success
Seo Young Hee
Ji Hyun Woo as Jang Woo Bin
Ryu Jin as Jang Woo Jin
Kim So Eun as Woo Joo Mi
Cha Soo Yun as Han Yoo Kyung
Shim Hyung Tak
Lee Ja Young
A Thousand Kisses Trailer
(Not Yet Available)